Eva Batonne

came of age on the historical showboat, THE RIVER QUEEN. Her father docked the gambling boat in St. Louis, Missouri and transformed it into a renowned restaurant and night club written up and reviewed by Esquire Magazine. Her mother, an investigative journalist for St. Louisan Magazine, influenced Eva’s development as a researcher and writer from a young age. Eva grew up in an environment rich with the dramas of socialites, politicians, artists and musicians. At fourteen years old, athletic and strong, Eva’s first job was working for her father. She was the first female to work the job of shack boy, the title was changed to pantry girl. In this position, Eva was essentially the assistant to the waitresses carrying huge blocks of ice and hot trays of bread from the kitchen, across the dining area, into the pantry room where she performed other duties, preparing dining experiences for the waitresses to serve. Eva was privy to many dramatic stories, incendiary conversations and the secrets of the women who worked at the restaurant. Eva is developing a project based on her teenage experiences.

Eva began writing professionally as the researcher for a small production company in Santa Monica, California. The position evolved into writer/producer on the project, The Shaping of America, a series of historical spots on American history. A creative forerunner to the popular Ken Burns style of dramatic portrayals of historical figures and events, The Shaping of America featured narrators, Sally Kellerman, Robert Guillaume, and Dennis Weaver and was voted Favorite Series among the troops overseas.

Eva is also an accomplished artist and she’s a bit of a nature freak.

For more info, visit her website.

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