Tall Tales of Mystic Ridge
by Shelly Gail Morris

How tall can tales be?
Mystic Ridge is a small town set deep in the mountains of Tennessee. The townsfolk go out of their way to embrace everyone with cookies, kittens and a warm welcome. They enjoy nothing more than setting folks properly on their destined path.
You’ll meet Violet and her invisible friend Winifred, who lived on the open prairie in the eighteen hundreds. Although she’s just a ghost, she longs for a second chance at life. Millie owns the local antique shop and assists folks in finding items they misplaced centuries earlier. Unbeknownst to her mother, four-year-old Ruby gives life and death advice.
Poovie Lamay is the local social media mogul and supermom with a huge appreciation for life. She tweets and blogs and sells her musing to outlets worldwide and lives a ridiculously happy life—as long as it can be from her own home.
Intuitive Mariah and Daisy Gilbert are excited as new residents to Mystic Ridge, and swiftly learn they were brought there to assist a needy nun with an odd problem.
You’ll meet Josephine Even who has a backyard full of ghosts from the civil war, each one requesting unique assistance. And of course, Mystic Ridge’s most famous resident is Sister Crystal Grace who was lost in the mountainside for many weeks as a child. As a pillar of the community, no one knows she’s been gallivanting through time and now yearns to leave Mystic Ridge forever.
And amidst all the unusual occurrences, almost all of the cats and kittens born in Mystic Ridge are solid white and occasionally heroic.
ISBN: 978-1612713601 (Kindle), 978-1612713618 (EPub)
Pages – 224
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