Look at this gorgeous new cover work by Brad Fraunfelter for one of his many clients! Nice!

Since we’re based in Austin, ZP decided to go BIG at this year’s ArmadilloCon! We brought three BIG prizes to raffle away, as well as a ton of other little ones. Here’s a look at the lovely items!

Lighted Bonsai Tree – to tie with the release of the fantasy novel Jewel of the Gods

A pair of Steampunk Book Ends – to tie in to the soon to be released sequel to The Marvelous Mechanical Man by Rie Sheridan Rose.

And… because who in their right mind wouldn’t want it – the Folio Society’s 50th Anniversary Edition of Dune!
We hope to do as much, if not more, next year! So make your plans to come and win!
Aug 1-2, 2015 – Author Roberta Rogow will be at the Pi-Con, a Science Fiction Convention set near Hartford, CT.
Aug 7-9, 2015 – will also see Roberta Rogow at Deadly Ink, a mystery convention, Brunswick, NJ.
And because she’s not busy enough, Roberta Rogow will also be busy the weekend of Aug 19-23, 2015 at Sasquan, this years World Science Fiction Convention, being held in Spokane, WA.
Book Trailers
This month is a book trailer is for Dorien Grey from the Boundless Imprint called – Calico
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