ZP Author and Artist News for April 2016

April 2016



(writing as K.D. Hays) will be featured in Southern Writers Magazine’s “What’s the Story” section explaining the inspiration for her latest book, Roped In. Since Kate was a jump rope coach for eight years and Roped In is a mystery surrounding a jump rope competition, the story behind the story could have easily stretched to novel length all by itself.

Stephen Tiano – who works as a book designer, Page Compositor and Layour Artist – has been quite busy recently. He’s currently working on three book interiors, one of which is a sort of retelling of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with a transgender twist!

See some of what he’s been working on below.

Author has signed a contract with Leadstart Publishing Corp. for his upcoming non-fiction work Life After Life; Lifting the veil on Death. Congrats!

has a short story titled “It’s…Complicated” in the anthology Lightships and Sabers which should see release 4/18/16.









Book Trailers


This month’s book trailer is for novel – Always Ali!





One of our artists, Tamian Wood, was chosen by the publisher of Pope Francis to do the cover for his Encyclical Letter Landato Si.

And now she’s even won an award for that cover from The Book Designer.com peeps! Congrats!

Greg Austin’s feature screenplay “Haven’s End” is an Official Selection at Oaxaca Film Festival in Mexico. So far, it’s a quarter finalist in Screencraft’s Sci-fi competition. How cool is that? Congrats, Greg!

And as if that wasn’t enough “Haven’s End” is also a finalist in the Hollywood Screenplay Contest and his short sci-fi screenplay “Sian” is a finalist in the National Irish Film Awards.



Oct 8-11, 2015 -Author Roberta Rogow will be attending the Mystery Convention Bouchercon 2015 in Raleigh, NC.

Oct 16-18, 2015 – Author Gloria Oliver will be in the artist alley of Dallas ComicCon’s Fan Days in Irving, TX.


Book Trailers

This month is a book trailer is for Dorien Grey a from the Boundless Imprint called – His Name is John





ALWAYS ALI!, the fourth book in the Ali Caldwell series, by Christine Marciniak will be released soon. Ali finally thinks she has her life together, when a new girl at school sends everything topsy-turvy.
If you prefer getting your ebooks from iTunes – some of our more recent titles can now be found there! If you check for your favorite title here at the ZP site, there’ll be a new iTunes/iBook icon on the book page.

Yet another way to find our titles for your enjoyment! 🙂

We keep adding more venues as ties go by and we’ll keep you informed of developments.
One of our artists, Tamian Wood, was chosen by the publisher of Pope Francis to do the cover for his Encyclical Letter Landato Si. How cool is that? Congrats, Tamian!

Rie Sheridan Rose will be celebrating the release of Bruce and Roxanne: From Start to Finnish from Yard Dog Press at FenCon in Sept 2015.
Lyndi Alexander participated in the First Annual Book Sale on the Mercer County Courthouse grounds, July 25, 2015, sponsored by the West Pennsylvania authors. The event, held in conjunction with the Saturday Farmer’s Market, was well attended and very successful.

**This month we got some not so great news and our second loss to our roster**

“It’s with deep sadness that I report our fellow Zumayan, James Choron, died of pneumonia and complications of asthma in Moscow, Russia, on July 23 of this year. Jim and I were in the process of developing a new, updated version of his excellent collection of paranormal investigations, Footprints in the Snow: True Tales of Haunted Russia. He was a delightful person to talk with and will be very much missed.”

He will be missed.



Sep 4-7, 2015 – Author Gloria Oliver is on the Emergency Waiting List for Animefest 2015 in Dallas, TX. What this means is if a table frees up at the last minute, she’ll have to drop everything that Friday and GO! Wish her luck! 🙂
Sep 25-27, 2015 – Will see several Zumayans at Fencon 12 in Dallas, TX. Attending will be Gloria Oliver Rie Sheridan Rose and Elizabeth K. Burton – This year they’ll be at a new venue, so should be exciting!


Book Trailers

This month is a book trailer is for K.D. Hays and Meg Weidman from the Thresholds Imprint called – Toto’s Tale


ZP Author and Artist News for April 2015



Graphic Artist April Martinez is celebrating a birthday this month. Join us in wishing her a Happy Birthday!

The magic number 42. Douglas Adams would be proud. 😛

Artist Yehoshua Reyez has been busy working on his creation Axsorg! – a time-faring, psychic, were-spider!

He’s got more! So we’ll be sharing some more of Yehoshua’s cool concepts next month!

Cover Desginer Tamian Wood won an E-book Cover Design Gold Star Award! Fantastic!


Look at the beautiful art from artist Charles Bernard. A werewolf in love!

Rie Sheridan Rose’s short story collection RieTales from Mocha Memoirs will debut this month

Alana Lorens will be teaching a fiction writing course at the Corry Hi-Ed through the month of April, focusing on writing with diversity and creating interesting, sometimes out of this world settings.


Apr 9-12, 2015 – Author Rie Sheridan Rose will be attending the Austin International Poetry Festival as well as participating in workshops and readings.

April 22-25, 2015 – Author Arlene Sachitano will be signing her new book, Crazy as a Quilt at the AQS Quilt week show in Paducah Kentucky. She’ll be in the Craftmans Touch Book Booth from 9-6 and Saturday 9-5.

Ma2 2, 2015 – Author Roberta Rogow will have a 15-minute “Author’s Alley” slot at Malice Domestic, the mystery convention in Bethesda MD, at 1 PM, talking about WorldBuilding, Real and Fanciful.

Book Trailers

This month is a book trailer is for Christine Marciniak’s young adult novel Honestly, Ali!


ZP Author and Artist News for February 2015



ZP is still working to update our ebook store so we can get download links for your purchases and some other fancy capabilities. Feb-March we’re hoping will be our lucky months!

Greg Austin’s Sci-fi screenplay SIAN was a finalist at the Fantastic Planet Film Festival! The short story version, Morgan Jones and Greg Austin co-wrote with his brother, won a contest to be published in the 2015 Sci-fi anthology, Words in Future Tense. Super Congrats, guys!

Here’s a look at Tamian Wood’s lovely book cover work for another group.




Feb 7-8, 2015 – Author Gloria Oliver andChibiChains will be at the Irving Convention Center as part of Dallas ComicCon Fan Days 2.0

Feb 13-16, 2015 – Author Roberta Rogow will be attending Boskone 52 in Boston, MA.

Fed 13-15, 2015 – Gloria Oliver andChibiChains will be at ConDFW in DallasElizabeth Burton and Rie Sheridan will also be there! Mini ZP Gathering! Woot!

Book Trailers


A new feature! We’ll try to post a different book trailer to the front page each month along with the news and monthly appearances.

This month is a book trailer for Christine Marciniak’s Honestly, Ali!.


New Release – Thresholds Imprint – Honestly, Ali!

Honestly, Ali! 

by Christine Marciniak


Honestly Ali Book Cover


Ali Caldwell thought her troubles were over, but she has a new one. She’s let her grades fall and now she’s on academic probation. She has to get her grades up or leave school.

Everyone is talking about an intriguing study system, but Ali realizes it’s nothing more than cheating, so she doesn’t use it. She studies for hours to get a perfect grade on her next test.

Instead of applauding, her teacher accuses her of cheating. To make things worse, the administration is certain that her boyfriend is the mastermind behind it all.

She needs to prove that not only didn’t she cheat, but Liam is innocent as well, before they both get kicked out of school.

Purchase the trade paperback from Amazon as well as in ebook for Kindle and NOOK.

ISBN:    9781612712499



Cover Reveal – Honestly Ali!

From Zumaya Thresholds Imprint – the 3rd in the Ali Caldwell series by Christine Marciniak

Cover by Katelin Moul


Honestly Ali Book Cover


Ali Caldwell thought her troubles were over, but she has a new one.

She’s let her grades fall and now she’s on academic probation. She has to get her grades up or leave school.
Everyone is talking about an intriguing study system, but Ali realizes it’s nothing more than cheating. Instead, she studies for hours to get a perfect grade on her next test.
Instead of applauding, though, her teacher accuses her of cheating. To make things worse, the administration is certain that her boyfriend is the mastermind behind it all.
Ali needs to prove that not only didn’t she cheat but that Liam is innocent as well before they both get kicked out of school.


Coming soon in Trade Paperback, Nook, Kindle, and other ebook versions.