Rebel Nation

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Rebel Nation

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Rebel Nation
Rebel Nation

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Rebel Nation

The truth grows poisonous in the dark

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The truth grows poisonous in the dark

In a nation where the Confederacy is a world power, shots ring out, and a famed civil rights leader is murdered.

McKenna Alexander is an investigative reporter who isn't afraid to challenge those in power, and something about this assassination screams "conspiracy.” As she digs deeper, she begins to uncover an ugly secret that began during the Second World War and is only now coming to fruition.

As she races to expose the conspirators, they race to ensure her permanent silence, and only her despised ex-husband is willing to help her stay alive.

ISBN: 978-1936144846 (eBook), 978-1936144839 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 348

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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