Canyon Calls

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Canyon Calls

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Canyon Calls
Canyon Calls

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Canyon Calls

What happens when mismatched characters are thrown together in the harsh environment of the Grand Canyon?

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Author: Michael Just
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What happens when mismatched characters are thrown together in the harsh environment of the Grand Canyon?

Haunted with ghosts and murders, ravaged by storms and simmering with romance, yet teased with laughter, Canyon Calls is a collection of stories about the Grand Canyon that entertains and inspires vacationers, hikers, armchair adventurers and tourists the world over. Canyon Calls juxtaposes mismatched characters inside the metaphor of an endurance-testing natural journey. These short stories are studies in of characters comedic and sinister. What happens when untested, incompatible people are stirred together in the harsh caldron of the Grand Canyon?

The stories reflect the sense of the eternal a traveler often feels when confronted with the sublime spirit and transformational power of the Grand Canyon. The otherworldly beauty of Canyon Calls mesmerizes readers into feeling that they’ve indeed entered a special world cut off from the earth’s tame upper reaches. Canyon Calls reflects the desolate silence every sojourner to Grand Canyon experiences. These tales chronicle the transformations that are forced upon us when we crash against our limits in a forbidding and yet ecstatically beautiful world.

ISBN: 978-1934841693 (eBook), 978-1934841686 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 234

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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