Busting Loose

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Busting Loose

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Busting Loose
Busting Loose

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Busting Loose

Every woman diagnosed with breast cancer is terrified--initially. Busting Loose shows readers how raw and messy emotions can be transformed into a form of light, crackling and bursting with energy.

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Every woman diagnosed with breast cancer is terrified--initially.

Busting Loose shows readers how raw and messy emotions can be transformed into a form of light, crackling and bursting with energy.

The book is based on interviews with women who went through the disease along with the author. It features African-American women with enough juice and electricity to raise the dead. Empowered Jewish, Russian, Italian, Iranian, Chinese, and Latino women are interviewed, showcasing the unique wisdom their cultures bring to defeating a terrible disease.

In true bad girl/wild woman fashion, these women say, "What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound," and go on to launch new careers, run marathons, climb ice-covered peaks and brow-beat hospital billing departments into discounting $100,000 plus medical bills. They shout: "I'm a survivor! Deal with it!" and move beyond fear to action, becoming equal partners in their treatment. In other words, they stay on the bumpy road of life--ready and waiting for the next challenge.

Women have been lacking a no-fear guide when it comes to breast cancer. But that's about to change. Given the author's personal history, she has the chops to explode the stereotypes.

$1 of every copy sold of Busting Loose is donated to breast cancer research.

ISBN: 978-1934841754 (eBook), 978-1934841747 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count: 324

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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