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Moon Pool

Love by Moonlight...

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Love by Moonlight...

In the center of the maze at an Adirondack resort lies a spring-fed pool. Legend says that if you look into the serene depths under a full moon, you'll see the face of your true love. In this collection of four novellas, the magic of the Moon Pool touches the lives of eight people for whom love seems to be a dream that can never be a reality.

Thea - who lost her one true love because she couldn't bear the scorn of others.

Faith - who has given up on love in the face of responsibility.

Lynn - who settled for practicality when she yearned for poetry.

Cynthia - whose reputation for selfishness was no match for love.

ISBN: 978-1612710112 (eBook), 978-1612710105 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 276

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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