Haven’s End

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Haven's End

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Haven's End
Haven's End

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Haven's End

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On Earth’s once decimated surface, the last of an ancient people continue to survive. They believe they are the only ones left.

Not far from their mountain home, however, another populace survived the Decline.

Deep within the earth, they toil for their masters in the cavernous underworld called Last Haven. Their only lawful diversion is a gladiatorial blood sport played on ice called Mazeplay.

One man in that underground city believes he and his fellow citizens are being lied to. That the return to the surface they have been promised is being withheld so those in power can remain so. He’s willing to risk his life to prove it. They'll do whatever they have to, to stop him.

ISBN: 9781612710518 (eBook), 978-1612710501 (Trade Paperback)

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

Page Count - 270

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