Garlic Kisses and Tasty Hugs

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Garlic Kisses and Tasty Hugs

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Garlic Kisses and Tasty Hugs
Garlic Kisses and Tasty Hugs

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Garlic Kisses and Tasty Hugs

The spice of life.

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The spice of life.

How do you enjoy the late years of your life? You give up your former life and become a farmer.

What if you are also a writer who has published many short stories and novels? You write about not just your former life, but you write about your new life as well. After all, your life hasn't ended, your life has simply changed. Dramatically changed.

Or has it?

Garlic Kisses obviously has to be about garlic and about kisses. Kisses (here the writer steps in) being "a metaphor for love.” Love past and present, love young and old, love for and from humans and animals (well, cats especially, most especially, one cat.) Love for the land and love for the human spirit. Each, being love, nourishes the other. What happens to love when that love must be shared by the land and the human heart?

That is what Garlic Kisses is about.

ISBN: 978-1934135785 (eBook), 978-1934135778 (Trade Paperback)

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

Page Count - 256

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