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Searching for her missing aunt and uncle...

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Searching for her missing aunt and uncle...

Self-reliant American heiress Fiona Grey needs the reclusive Marquess of Kingslee to introduce her to the upper echelon of London society. But Kingslee knows her type - rich, spoilt and on the prowl for a husband. Despite the lure of intrigue surrounding Fiona and her missing family members, he wants nothing to do with her…until a murderer begins to take an interest.

Can he live with himself if he turns his back on Fiona because he's afraid to risk his heart?

Daughters of Destiny - Book 2

ISBN: 9781936144075 (eBook), 978-1936144068 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 304

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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