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Eyes of Lorr

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Eyes of Lorr

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Eyes of Lorr

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There are too many eyes on the prize.

It was a simple job—find the naive outlander’s lost journal, lost during a liaison with a local “joyboy”. It sounded liked her client was even more worried about the way he lost his book than he was about the book.

But then the joyboy winds up dead, followed shortly thereafter by her client; and it’s clear she’s not the only one who wants that missing book. Worse, whoever it is, is prepared to kill her to make sure she doesn’t find it.

Pola’s a loner, but this time it’s clear she needs help—if only to make sure no one’s sneaking up behind her with murderous intent.

A Pola Drach Mystery - Bool 2

ISBN: 978-1612713915 (Trade Paperback), 978-161271392 (Kindle), 978-1612713939 (ePub)

Page Count - 270

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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