Eyes in the Alley

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Eyes in the Alley

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Eyes in the Alley
Eyes in the Alley

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Eyes in the Alley

The lives historians forgot.

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The lives historians forgot.

To most people, the Great Depression brings to mind shantytowns and fields buried in dust, breadlines and shuttered banks. For young Vallie Fletcher, it was a time when she startled her San Antonio neighbors by jumping off garage rooftops, convinced she can soar into the air. After all, that's what she did during a near-death experience at age two.

It was a time when she looked into the face of a starving child, a face that would haunt her throughout her childhood.

Segregation rules that did not make sense, sharing a classroom with four sets of twins, "medical" treatments and "health" rules that seemed as likely to kill as to cure, music and dance teachers collaborating with mothers who saw too many Shirley Temple movies trying to turn children into performers - all and more are combined in this fascinating memoir of a time that to many is no more than a notation in a history book in a place where the past is as much a part of the infrastructure as the streets.

ISBN: 978-1934135358 (eBook), 978-1934135341 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 312

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