Dancing with the Velvet Lizard

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Dancing with the Velvet Lizard

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Dancing with the Velvet Lizard
Dancing with the Velvet Lizard

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Dancing with the Velvet Lizard

Thirty-three mind-bending tales of science fiction, fantasy, horror and humor by award-winning author Bruce Golden

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Author: Bruce Golden
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Thirty-three mind-bending tales of science fiction, fantasy, horror and humor by award-winning author Bruce Golden

Journey into other worlds, other dimensions and other times to meet an alien musician, an apocryphist, a hideous sun demon, a bedeviled baseball player and an old woman resigned to living out her last days cared for by a machine.

See what happens when a Native American shaman sends the government a bill for making it rain, and a 119-year-man drives his classic automobile into the middle of an insurrection, chased by flying cars. Discover a missing planet, lust potions, the color of silence, the wonders of phasing, the horrors of the withering, and the riddle of the whales.

ISBN: 978-1934841082 (eBook), 978-1936144174 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 308

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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