Bad Day for the Home Team

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Bad Day for the Home Team

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Bad Day for the Home Team
Bad Day for the Home Team

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Bad Day for the Home Team

What could drive an average guy to murder?

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Author: Alex O'Meara
  • Description
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What could drive an average guy to murder?

What makes a man walk into a restaurant on a bright, beautiful Memorial Day afternoon in a small Arizona town, pull out a gun and shoot forty people before killing himself?

That's what Sam Tryor is trying to figure out. Only he's trying to figure it out from beyond the grave.

Instead of a who-dun-it, this mystery is a what-made him-do-it. With the help of a gorgeous reporter, a world-weary cop, and his own brother, Sam seeks the reason for his horrific crime, and his search leads him to a conclusion that is as disturbing for what it reveals about us as it is shocking for what it reveals about him.

ISBN: 978-1936144372 (eBook), 978-1936144365 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count - 252

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

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