International Read an Ebook Day!

International Read an Ebook Day


This weekend Zumaya is running a 30%-off sale on all titles in the company bookstore in conjunction with Overdrive’s International Read an Ebook Day.



Twenty years ago, some talented writers who were tired of being rejected by the New York publishers. They started a business selling the work of other talented writers in an electronic form.

Because their books cost much less than those coming from traditional publishers, they tapped a market of avid readers who were delighted to discover new authors and excellent reading. Thus the ebook industry was born.


Overdrive, the company that gets ebooks to your local library, has designated September 18 as International Read an Ebook Day.

In celebration of the industry Zumaya Publications helped pioneer, we are offering all of our titles at $1.50 off the regular price in our website bookstore.


Just fill up your shopping cart and use the coupon code 2017IEBD at checkout, and discover your new favorite authors. AND you can use the code up to three times now through Monday.

We have books for every taste. To see our offerings, choose one of our Imprint links below and see the titles available.

Happy reading!

Arcane Imprint Boundless Imrpint Embraces Imprint Enigma Imprint
Arcane Boundless Embraces Enigma
Otherworlds Imprint Thresholds Imprint Yesterdays Imprint ZP Logo
Otherworlds Thresholds Yesterdays Eclectica

ZP Author and Artist News for April 2015



Graphic Artist April Martinez is celebrating a birthday this month. Join us in wishing her a Happy Birthday!

The magic number 42. Douglas Adams would be proud. 😛

Artist Yehoshua Reyez has been busy working on his creation Axsorg! – a time-faring, psychic, were-spider!

He’s got more! So we’ll be sharing some more of Yehoshua’s cool concepts next month!

Cover Desginer Tamian Wood won an E-book Cover Design Gold Star Award! Fantastic!


Look at the beautiful art from artist Charles Bernard. A werewolf in love!

Rie Sheridan Rose’s short story collection RieTales from Mocha Memoirs will debut this month

Alana Lorens will be teaching a fiction writing course at the Corry Hi-Ed through the month of April, focusing on writing with diversity and creating interesting, sometimes out of this world settings.


Apr 9-12, 2015 – Author Rie Sheridan Rose will be attending the Austin International Poetry Festival as well as participating in workshops and readings.

April 22-25, 2015 – Author Arlene Sachitano will be signing her new book, Crazy as a Quilt at the AQS Quilt week show in Paducah Kentucky. She’ll be in the Craftmans Touch Book Booth from 9-6 and Saturday 9-5.

Ma2 2, 2015 – Author Roberta Rogow will have a 15-minute “Author’s Alley” slot at Malice Domestic, the mystery convention in Bethesda MD, at 1 PM, talking about WorldBuilding, Real and Fanciful.

Book Trailers

This month is a book trailer is for Christine Marciniak’s young adult novel Honestly, Ali!


Hello Readers!

Welcome to the new and hopefully improved – Zumaya Tales!

With the hacking woes of late 2013 and early 2014, we lost access to our old wordpress blog. So now that we have a new host, we’ve gone wild and are now hosting our blog direct.

We’ll be doing book cover previews, contests, new releases, and anything else we can come up with – so make sure to subscribe!