Coming Soon – New Covers and New eBook Editions

We’re working on sprucing up some of our older titles not previously available in all our eBook formats.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s coming soon!

Bad Day for the Home Team

Bad Day for the Home Team

by Alex O’Meara

What makes a man walk into a restaurant on a bright, beautiful Memorial Day afternoon in a small Arizona town, pull out a gun and shoot forty people before killing himself?

That’s what Sam Tryor is trying to figure out. Only he’s trying to figure it out from beyond the grave. Instead of a who-dun-it, this mystery is a what-made him-do-it. With the help of a gorgeous reporter, a world-weary cop, and his brother, Sam seeks the reason for his horrific crime, and his search leads him to a conclusion that is as disturbing for what it reveals about us as it is shocking for what it reveals about him.


Tough Enough

Tough Enough

by Sarah H. Baker

Jackie is on the run; she has no time for romance. Matt has other ideas–there’s something about the spunky biker that has him head over heels.

They come from two completely different worlds, and hers has danger in it. Is Matt tough enough to cope?

International Read an Ebook Day!

International Read an Ebook Day


This weekend Zumaya is running a 30%-off sale on all titles in the company bookstore in conjunction with Overdrive’s International Read an Ebook Day.



Twenty years ago, some talented writers who were tired of being rejected by the New York publishers. They started a business selling the work of other talented writers in an electronic form.

Because their books cost much less than those coming from traditional publishers, they tapped a market of avid readers who were delighted to discover new authors and excellent reading. Thus the ebook industry was born.


Overdrive, the company that gets ebooks to your local library, has designated September 18 as International Read an Ebook Day.

In celebration of the industry Zumaya Publications helped pioneer, we are offering all of our titles at $1.50 off the regular price in our website bookstore.


Just fill up your shopping cart and use the coupon code 2017IEBD at checkout, and discover your new favorite authors. AND you can use the code up to three times now through Monday.

We have books for every taste. To see our offerings, choose one of our Imprint links below and see the titles available.

Happy reading!

Arcane Imprint Boundless Imrpint Embraces Imprint Enigma Imprint
Arcane Boundless Embraces Enigma
Otherworlds Imprint Thresholds Imprint Yesterdays Imprint ZP Logo
Otherworlds Thresholds Yesterdays Eclectica

New Release – Eclectica Imprint – Wars and Peaces

Wars and Peaces by Chester Aaron

Short story collection from Chester Aaron

The stories that take place either in times of war, or in times of peace.

ISBN: 9781612713182

Size: 5 X 8

Page Count – 244

Read a sample!